Friday, September 7, 2012

Legacy Attempt post 2.

Hey all! I managed to get in a half hour of playing in between school and homework and my job. 

Kala got a job in culinary. While she was away, a skunk came onto my lot and was messing around in her garden.

Go away Mr. Skunk!!
 She came home and needed some skills for a promotion. I had her make pottery.

What happened to autonomously changing into casual when coming home from work by the way?
The animation is the one for flower arranging.
 Now to paint it!
I have no idea what this animation is.
 She then walked to a park. (I seem to forget which one.) She promptly layed down on a bench.
So comfy! (not.)
 Then started chatting with this lady (whose name I forget.) They seemed to hit it off right away.
Blah blah. (You can see one of my other sims on the right. Red and black hair, purple shirt.)
She then got bored of only talking to the same chick. She went to the salon.

First makeover!


Let's try again.

Why does this not get rid of the stupid makeup??
 (By the way, the lady followed me here. Ugh.)
She met a guy who seemed very interested in her. No chemistry, but he kept flirting and holding hands. This might be promising!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

School Starting


I won't have a lot of posts (even though I already don't have a lot...). I'm starting school tomorrow. I'll try to play and post when I can, but no guarantees.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Attempt at Legacy

So, I tried to attempt the Legacy challenge again. I decided to just use it as a guideline and not do the points. So, my goal is to get 10 generations.

This is Kala Legacy. (If I'm doing a challenge, I just give them the name of the challenge for their last name. Makes it easier to keep track of.)

Those are her stats, and her Turn Ons are Hard Worker and Great Cook. Turn off is Stink.

Has anyone noticed that the first thing single Sims do on a lot is birdwatch? Every single time I start a lot with a single Sim, they immediately start birdwatching.

First moments on her lot.
This stupid house took forever to make, and was EXTREMELY expensive. It's only four rooms!! I'm going to need to expand so much, but I was sick of working on it.
Her finished house. Eventually I am going to tear it down and rebuild.
Kala's first visitor, Rose Dai.
Having fun playing Mahjong.
 After Rose left, I made a my first meal, Mac and Cheese. I kept trying to make it for Rose since she was starving, but kept getting interrupted, so she left.
Yay Mac and Cheese!!
 Afterwards, Kala decided to work out.
One and two and one and two!
 She eventually made her way to the Crypt O' Night club, where she ran into Mrs. Ugly. (She is part of another challenge I am doing, where I inbreed ugly sims to attempt to create a beautiful one. It's very interesting.)
You are... very... ugly.
 Dancin' away.
 She found a man (I can't seem to recall his name right now). He doesn't seem to have any chemistry with her, but they seem to have hit it off quite well.
Hi, my names Kitty! What's yours?
 They autonomously chatted.
"I like sports." "Me too!"
 Kala found a puddle to play in.
Jumpy jumpy.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thoughts on Cheats and Mods?

What are your guys' thoughts on cheats and mods? I love using them, they make the game play the way I want to. I don't even know how many different mods I have installed. My Custom Content folder is at least 2GB.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First post :D


This is my first time using Blogspot (or any blogging site for that matter...). I'm going to post my challenges and other Sims 2 stuff here.